Network of fitness clubs "KD GYM"
KD GYM is a modern fitness hall with new high-quality equipment, a pleasant stylish design, good lighting, comfortable changing rooms and large windows, thanks to which you will not feel the stuffiness of basement rooms. Both professional athletes and people who just want to tone their body and recharge with energy will always be welcome here. A pleasant friendly atmosphere and our qualified trainers will help you realize your inner potential and achieve amazing results. Our goal is to help you get rid of the negativity of everyday life in the big city, restore your energy balance and become better every day.


stylish, cozy design of the club

the help of highly qualified specialists

the latest and highly efficient equipment from the best manufacturers

update training programs

friendly and warm atmosphere

Individual approach
we guarantee an individual approach for everyone

Group classes in step aerobics are a popular trend in modern fitness.
Step aerobics is a low-impact cardio workout built on the basis of the simplest movements using a height-adjustable riser called a step platform.
Training on the steppe helps to form a toned figure and get rid of extra pounds without exceeding your physical capabilities. They can be performed at home by purchasing a step platform. But at home you will not be able to create that special atmosphere that prevails only in group classes.

Solarium KD SUN
The sun's rays give our body a seductive golden hue. However, we can't always bask in the sun to get a beautiful tan.
Now you don't need to spend time and money on a beach vacation to enjoy all the beauty of tanned skin.
We offer to your attention a vertical solarium of the world-famous manufacturer megasun, which is one of the best on the market of equipment for artificial tanning.
Also, for a deeper and more even tan, we offer the products of the leading manufacturer of Australian Gold cosmetics with a large selection of creams.

Trying to lose weight or gain relief muscles, many people forget about such an important point as flexibility. But it is often an indicator of healthy and strong muscles. How is stretching useful?
1. Increasing the blood flow in the muscles - a guarantee of their strength, elasticity, as soon as possible recovery after physical exertion;
2. Prevention of injuries. The main cause of injuries is low elasticity of muscles and tendons. Stretching solves this problem;
3. Power component. Despite the fact that stretching seems to be an exercise with little physical effort, it strengthens muscles, develops strength endurance no less than exercise with "iron";
4. External attractiveness. Thanks to stretching, it is possible to form more attractive and harmonious muscle forms, since stretching fundamentally affects not the increase of their external volume, but the strengthening of "fascias";
5. Stopping the process of muscle atrophy, because a sedentary lifestyle leads us to inevitable negative consequences, and stretching slows down these processes hundreds of times;
6. A charge of cheerfulness and a great mood! After stretching, the tone in the muscles is preserved for another 1-1.5 hours, which gives us a feeling of comfort and pleasant well-being, has a healing effect on the hormonal background, which, in turn, provides us with internal harmony.

Functional training
In functional training, physical actions performed every day are worked out. Functional exercises involve absolutely all muscles of the body, including the deep muscles responsible for stability, balance and the beauty of each of our movements. Six main modules are distinguished: squats, inclines, movement in space, pressing movements, pulling movements and rotations.
Functional training is built on the basis of exercises that allow you to practice the indicated movements.
Thanks to such training, you will receive:
— development of several physical qualities at once - flexibility, endurance, accuracy, strength, coordination of movements, dexterity;
— work of a large number of muscles in one training session;
— reduction of the fat component, muscle tone
— improvement of well-being and improvement of mood;
— increasing activity in everyday life and working capacity.

Depending on your physical characteristics and the desired result, you can choose exactly the type of training that will help you get closer to your goal.

Training with trainer
You should not go on the road alone. The best industry professionals work at the KD GYM fitness club. Reference trainers. People who have dedicated their lives to the beauty and health of others. With them you will achieve your goals faster and easier.

The staff of the fitness club Salyutna 5B:

Head Coach

Oleksandra Hardykova
Certified trainer, 5 years of experience in fitness. Participant of national and city tournaments, athlete of the FBBU federation. Specializes in strength training, fitness, weight correction, posture and figure. Attentive to the individual characteristics and physical capabilities of each client.

Mykola Kononenko
Certified trainer, more than 12 years of experience in fitness. Participant of national and city tournaments, athlete of the FBBU federation. Specializes in strength training, fitness, weight correction, posture and figure. Attentive to the individual characteristics and physical capabilities of each client.

Anna Lenda
Certified trainer, 3 years of experience in fitness. Specializes in strength training, weight loss, figure correction, and general physical training. Attentive to the individual characteristics and physical capabilities of each client.
Senior Coach
Senior Coach

Ihor Hubich
Certified trainer, 6 years of fitness experience, participant in workout tournaments and performances, calisthenics. Specializes in TRX classes, strength training, posture correction, weight and figure correction. Attentive to the individual characteristics and physical capabilities of each client.

Evgeny Kononenko
Certified trainer, more than 6 years of experience in fitness. Participant of national and city tournaments, athlete of the FBBU federation. Specializes in strength training, fitness, weight correction, posture and figure. Attentive to the individual characteristics and physical capabilities of each client.

Fitness club staff
7 Lesya Kurbas Ave.:
Head Coach

Hrystyna Tkachova
Certified trainer. Experience as a personal and group trainer - 6 years. Certified teacher of choreography for preschool, school-age children and adults. Specializes in general physical training, strength training, weight loss. He is also a trainer of such group training as: Pilates, step aerobics, functional training, stretching. Athlete of the FBBU/IFBB federation, participant of city, national and international tournaments. Silver medalist of the World Cup.
Віталій Куролапнік
Сертифікований тренер тренажерного залу KD GYM. Досвід заняття фітнесом 8 років. Досвід роботи тренером 5 років. Спеціалізується на силових тренуваннях, набору м'язової масси тіла, зниженні зайвої ваги та загальній фізичній підготовці. Уважний до коректного виконання вправ з урахуванням індивідуальних особливостей і фізичних можливостей кожного клієнта.
Arsen Arutiunian
Certified trainer, 3 years of fitness experience, 2 years of boxing experience. Specializes in body weight correction, strength training, general fitness and endurance. It will help improve your physical condition and your well-being. Attentive to your physical features and general condition.
Bilmovych Ivanna
Certified trainer, 3 years of experience in fitness. Specializes in body weight correction, strength training, general fitness and endurance. It will help improve your physical condition and your well-being. Attentive to your physical features and general condition.

Персонал фітнес клубу
пр. Георгія Гонгадзе,20:

MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00 - 21:00
SATURDAY 10:00 - 20:00
SUNDAY 10:00 - 17:00
Kyiv, str. Salutna 5B, 2nd floor
Phone +38 063 785 75 15
Kyiv, ave. Lesya Kurbasa, 7
Phone +38 063 597 59 57